What to Do Now?

Now with everything hockey related (heck, just about everything) is either suspended or canceled due to the coronavirus the big thing surrounding HockeyNC is the simple question: what can I do?

Well... I've been brainstorming and there are several things that I will be doing in concerns to HockeyNC to pass the time until we find out if some/all of hockey will resume or not.  Let's take a look at what the plans are:

Featured Old School Hockey Games
YouTube is full of old hockey games shown in their entirety so I figured while we are missing out on present day hockey we could all go back in history to a game we can barely recognize in comparison to today's standards!  The first one was shared today! A classic between the Montreal Canadiens and CSKA on December 31st, 1975 which is considered one of the greatest hockey games of all time.

Streaming NHL 20 on Twitch
Lots of people stream NHL 20 and I throw my hat into that every once in awhile.  I will be streaming a variety of things on there from creating teams to custom oddball leagues.  Check out the HockeyNC Twitch channel!

CanCHELation Cup
Along with the streaming of NHL there will be a CHEL league forming very soon to help provide hockey entertainment while everything is halted!  This will be coordinated effort between myself, Talkin' Sauce Podcast, and Canes Stats.  We are currently seeking players so we can hold a draft.  All games will be played on NHL 20 for the Xbox One.

I think this is something we will all be doing.  When times get rough we all look back and think of greener pastures.  I'll definitely be digging up some memories from my hockey playing past; some good, some bad, some embarrassing, but all good fun.  Other things I might do under the "reminiscing" category could include hockey book reviews. 

So despite the sadness of the current state, there looks like there will be plenty for me to do!  Game on!
