I Want to do More for HNC

It's been awhile since I have written on here, hasn't it?

It's not like I haven't been writing though as I have had a handful of articles published on Under Review since September, but I haven't paid much attention to my own website.  For the most part I do not have a lot of time to write articles on here whereas I do have the time to tweet and retweet when I can for the HockeyNC twitter account uploading to the HNC Instagram, and creating simple T-shirt designs for HNC on Teespring (shameless plugs, right?). 

The thought of making this website more active has definitely been on my mind lately.  Writing is a passion I share with hockey, but I don't utilize nor put the effort into it as I do with using social media to promote hockey. Hopefully I will be able to change that for next season. 

What I do have in mind for next year should help this passion project feel more legitimate than what it has been for the past year or so. It will take a lot of effort as it's one of those things where you can only do so much as one person with limited time and money. 

Small steps for right now, but by next hockey season I am hoping to take leaps with HNC.

A little over two weeks ago I recorded a pilot episode for the HockeyNC Podcast (give it a listen if you haven't yet) and while it was short and sweet, I plan to do more of them soon, starting with this weekend and aim to do an episode every other week in season and once-a-month during the summer.

The podcast is the first phase of a larger plan for next season which I will reveal in due time, but for right now, let's enjoy the rest of the hockey season!
